Meet Nate Moll

Nate is a Wisconsin-based college senior, who’ll be graduating with a degree in Biological Aspects of Conservation and Environmental Studies. But if you thought science students aren’t into art and design – think again! “Don't let the heavy science focus deter you,’ Nate tells us. “I have an eye for smart design and pay close attention to detail.” Sounds like he’d fit right in at MOO HQ…

I have a dream (Well, more of a goal, really)

With design in mind all the time, Nate has big plans for the world around him – and he’s got a plan! “Throughout my time at Wisconsin, I've studied the environment and worked in communications, design and marketing. My goal? To bridge the gap between the science community and the general public by creating an engaging and beautifully designed environment.” He makes it sound so simple, doesn’t he?

Bridge the gap with MiniCards

According to Nate, creating a design-led environment is easy – with a little help from his MiniCards. “They're simple and effective ways to stay connected and enhance the face-to-face interaction’” he says. “I ordered a trial pack of cards for my job at VIP (Visitor & Information Programs) to hand out to guests after campus tours and facilitate interaction with our services after they leave.” We love the way he’s made his cards stand out – both with a rather unusual holder, and by using Printfinity to show off his love of colour in design.

Want to stand out with MiniCards? Make some, and then show us what you did with them.

Scritto il:
18 giu 2013
MiniCard Ideas, Fotografia
  • Nate Moll
  • Nate Moll
  • Nate Moll

Create your own MiniCards

  • Caricate le vostre immagini Possono essere foto o immagini complete. In alternativa, importate immagini da Flickr, Facebook o Etsy.
  • O guardate i modelli MOO Usate uno dei nostri layout per realizzare biglietti professionali e creativi
  • Mettetevi all'opera! In un attimo realizzate fantastici biglietti MOO da condividere!
  • Start making now

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