Student Portfolio


Create the perfect takeaway portfolio with this bold and uncluttered layout, designed to present your work - whether it’s a series of illustrations, graphic designs, or more! - in the very best light. The layouts give you a handful of ways to arrange your favourite pieces, while the reverse leaves room for you to describe your work and style to potential clients and interviewers.

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I’ve been fascinated by Piet Mondrian’s delineating rectangles ever since I saw his work at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen many years ago. I was especially inspired by his famous compositions in primary colors, so for this portfolio design I’ve created something with similarly strong grids for a bold and organized effect

Informazioni sul designer

Jovanna Mendes de Souza è nata in Brasile e cresciuta in Svezia. Ha studiato design a Londra, presso il rinomato Central Saint Martins College of Art, dove ha conseguito una laurea specialistica in Design Grafico e della Comunicazione. Il suo lavoro mette in luce un'ampia gamma di influenze, che includono le invenzioni di epoca vittoriana, la sovrapposizione di diversi stili e l'opera di maestri del design come Max Huber e Aubrey Beardsley.

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