Colour Me In


Add a splash of character to your communications with these eye-catching, colourful design. The brightly textured look and feel means they’re ideal for anyone who works with colour: be it in the food, beauty or creative industries.

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There’s lots of people who work with colour, from clothes designers to make-up artists or even ice cream makers, so I wanted to design a set of cards that celebrated its energy and texture, and could be applied to any industry. The designs are deliberately close-up to add an element of intrigue to any introduction, so they make a great conversation starter.

Informazioni sul designer

Stephen Turner è un graphic designer e product designer cresciuto in Kent, che ha conseguito la laurea in Industrial Design presso la Brunel University di Londra. Steve è interessato in modo particolare ai marchi e ha una passione per tutto ciò che è minimale. Quando non è davanti al computer, pratica qualche sport (probabilmente fino a quando non si infortuna).

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