Your Work is a Gift

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Bold statements make for a bold card in these bright, type-led designs from James Victore. His ‘prescriptions for life’ are sure to leave an impression on whomever you meet!

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Il designer James Victore utilizza il suo peculiare carattere Cooper Black per fare dichiarazioni ardite sul fatto di "vivere la propria vita secondo i propri criteri". Sebbene tali dichiarazioni riguardino soprattutto il lavoro nel settore creativo, molti dei suoi commenti provocatori possono essere applicati a ogni professione. L'impressionante gamma di colori utilizzata regala ancora più energia e fa in modo che i suoi messaggi non passino inosservati (e chi lo vorrebbe?).

Informazioni sul designer

James Victore is an author, speaker, artist and firestarter who teaches creatives how to illuminate their individual gifts in order to achieve personal greatness. At the helm of his independently run design studio, James continually strives to make work that is sexy, strong and memorable; work that tows the line between the sacred and the profane. In 2010, his work was published in a monograph titled, Victore or, Who Died and Made You Boss? A star faculty member at the School of Visual Arts in NYC for 20 years, James retired from organized education in 2014 and now teaches his own classes and workshops through James Victore Inc. He lives, loves and works in Brooklyn.

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