Livraison GRATUITE à partir de 100 €

Worstofall Design is a Brookyn-based design studio whose philosophy is collaborative in ever sense of the word. They believe that an artist with design training will create more meaningful designs, communicating feelings, memories and

Give it a kick start
After raising money on Kickstarter successfully, Worstofall Design threw a party – and what’s a party without a raffle! “We decided that the classic country fair-style, orange paper raffle tickets were not going to cut it for an art event. So we decided to use MiniCards instead!” they told us. As you’d imagine, the MiniCard raffle tickets are tiny works of art – literally. One side uses Printfinity to feature works of art by the Creative Director Steve Wasterval, and the other just the raffle number. The result? Beautiful, simple and effective.

We’re all winners
Aside from being their ticket to a free piece of art in the raffle, the MiniCards were also a hit as their own mini pieces of art for each guest to take home – so everyone wins! And it also helped to promote the idea of great branding – which is what Worstofall is all about. “Beauty is only one aspect of what makes something special,” they say, and it’s true – but at a party, it certainly helps!

Would you like to make some MiniCards uploaded with your own artwork?

Écrit sur :
18 juin 2013
Catégories :
Sticker Ideas, Photographie
  • Worstofall Design
  • Worstofall Design
  • Worstofall Design
  • Worstofall Design

Create your own MiniCards

  • Uploadez vos images Il peut s'agir de photos ou d'illustrations. Vous pouvez également importer vos photos depuis Flickr, Facebook ou Etsy.
  • Ou parcourir nos modèles Utilisez l'un de nos modèles afin de créer des cartes professionnelles et créatives
  • Créez vos cartes ! Recevez vos cartes MOO en un temps record !
  • Start making now

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