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Human Landscapes


Spiritual beings aren't meant to be enclosed in little boxes, we're meant to soar, just like the spiralling creatures in Silviastella's inspiring abstract illustrations. Send the reminder to your fellow flyers!

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You're a people person, interacting with other humans is at the heart of everything you do, and this comes out in surprising ways, just like the dreamy desert landscapes in these magical illustrations, in which faces appear in the midst of a swirling, surreal vision and the trees are made of arms. Did I say desert? Actually these images are anything but deserted.

About the designer

*silviastella was born in northern Italy on New Year's Eve, 1985. She has lived the happiest childhood she could have asked for; full of colors, pencils, smiles and dreams, and that's maybe why she'd love to make it last as long as possible. She now lives in Turin where she's working as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, eating tons of strawberries and beginning to accept the idea of growing up.

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