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Let's get Personal


Customize your design with personal facts, skills, or simply to say a clever ‘hello’. MiniCards are just the size for standing out, and this design’s easy customization helps you tell a little more about you.

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Über die Designerin Vorschau

This template helps you tell a little more about yourself than just your contact details and major. I wanted to create a design that was bold and striking using as little as possible – in this case, a strong black and white contrast, with a pop of color and bold titling. The slab serif typeface adds a sense of class and maturity while the title displays confidence.

Über die Designerin

An Englishman in Boston, MOO Middleweight Designer Adam Dudd recently hopped across the pond from MOO HQ in London to help grow MOO's design team in the US. Prior to MOO, Adam spent his time crafting beautiful pieces of communication for the Tate, and his design style is bold, simple and witty. When he's not mouse-in-hand he's most likely trying to decipher baseball statistics or sampling one of Uncle Sam's many craft beers.

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